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I Continue My Fight in the Courts for Justice as a Citizen Exposing the Gas Industry


The Gas Industry is slowing down a lot:

PR Spokesperson, George Stark, admits that Cabot Oil and Gas
are drilling and fracking about 50 % less since last year.
Cabot stock prices are plummeting to $ 19. from a high of $ 78…..!

I might buy one share of Cabot stock as a souvenir :
Watching a Company invade my county and drill hundreds of holes
thousands of feet deep and fracking them
and filling our lovely countryside with their fracked gas wells
on pads that might fill up to 25 acres
with access roads and waste tanks and heaters to process the
gas with pipelines going out of the sites
next to homes and schools .

And Cabot Oil and Gas has incurred about 600 DEP (Dept. of Environmental Protection) Violations in seven, short years…
and still allowed to operate.

And then Cabot had the nerve to charge me with bogus, trespass charges and claiming they are harmed and reversing the attention off the real Harmed
in our county,

The Harmed continue to increase;
The Harmed with contaminated well water after nearby gas drilling/fracking
and Cabot and others refuse to admit they did it even when charged and found guilty by the DEP
and then Cabot even appeals the DEP decisions and seeks to prove their innocence..
even when the pre-drill, baseline water testing is present and the water
changes and water gets tested after drilling and shows significant
changes ….

Now Life changes the path of this advancing, Fossil Fuel Army and
had OPEC drop the prices of oil and then effects gas prices
and the whole picture changes beyond our wildest dreams.

No Profits this year per their quarterly reports , royalty payments plummeting and upsetting landowners across the counties , lawsuits abound for royalty abuse and water issues.

Cabot Oil and Gas now has to figure out how to survive this year which is almost over and will they fully sink in 2016…?
It is fully possible…
They await the major pipelines to transmit their dirty, toxic gas to other States and Markets,
while People Power is increasing and protest and opposition is slowing down the pipelines schedules for more than a year and stalling operations.
Without their pipelines, the Gas is stalled, stored, held back and
that means
Even less Profits, less Royalties….

How long can Cabot Oil and Gas continue this downward plummet
while this “dying” is happening and this deadly blow ,
The whole Renewables Market can move into this Void and
gain more Recognition and Power
and become the energy of choice and preference …

We can do it…. The People Power is Working…

I am appealing the unjust decisions of the court orders that
put a permanent injunction on me for the rest of my life to stay so many feet from Cabot driveways, where I can park on public roads, and how far to stay from their gas sites even on property where landowners give me permission to be.
I am appealing all the orders that were decided against me. Contempt charges that the Industry team of lawyers manipulated to convince the Judge.

I have continued giving my almost-weekly Citizen Gas Tours and continue
to show the Harmed in my county, my fellow-residents who have to deal with replacement water for years and
continue to show the drilling and fracking next to homes in our communities and scarring of the land with endless pipelines of high pressure, compressor stations every two to four miles, waste treatment facilities, waste ponds, truck traffic, road damage, water withdrawal sites from our Rivers and creeks, etc…

Thanks for all your continuing support and donations to help me legally continue this appeal to the Superior Court in Pa..
I need more financial support for my next phase of the appeal process which started in May 2015…

can contact me and donate at : or 607 237 9685

To Save the Earth or to Surrender to What is Happening…?

I’ve been busy following humans around industrializing our county since 2008 .  The invasion

continues and fills up more nooks and crannies of our lovely landscape.  I feel a mix of emotions.

Anger, sadness, grief, frustration, hurt, hopelessness, rage.  I’ve been photographing, videotaping,

and journaling about this industrial carnage as one gas well after another, more compressor stations

proliferate mile after mile.  What to do? 

Watch in horror.  Tell the world and give tours to groups from all over to see , smell, feel it themselves. 

Can we make money, produce wealth without hurting the earth, changing her contours, filling her with chemicals, tearing apart the landscape, downing the trees, stomping the ground into oblivion?

So, I contemplate whether to continue my crusade or to surrender to what is unfolding even if it’s not what I want to see or experience.



Flaring of a Gas Well with some Funky purple splotches…

Flaring of a Gas Well with some Funky purple splotches...

took this at night and the light bounced off my lens and created a purple image.!

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